Important Note to Partners: Bank Account Change
Our current MagNet bank accounts will be terminated to the 5th of April 2021.
Our new bank details with Sopron Bank Burgenland are the following:
BANK NAME: Sopron Bank Burgenland Zrt.
BANK ADDRESS: Budapest II. fiók, 1023 Bp., Lajos u.4-6.
(EUR) IBAN number
HU68 1760 0200 0095 9667 1020 0005
(USD) IBAN number
HU81 1760 0200 0095 9667 3020 0007
Bank account number for HUF: 17600200-00959667-00200004
IBAN number for HUF: HU13 1760 0200 0095 9667 0020 0004
Correspondent Bank details for both accounts:
BANK NAME : Raiffeisen Bank
SWIFT CODE (for Correspondent Bank): RZBAATWW
Please, kindly use these bank details for all your future payments to Norma Instruments.
Kind regards,
The Norma Team