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february 19, 2021

Norma Icon-3 hematology analyzers were donated in Kenya

The governments of Hungary and the Republic of Slovenia have implemented a joint healthcare assistance project in Kenya donating three Norma Icon-3 hematology analyzers among 44 state-of-the-art medical instruments to hospitals.

The University of Nairobi-Kenyatta National Hospital, the National Spinal Injury Referral Hospital and the Kericho County Referral Hospital will use the Norma Icon-3, a smart and small 3-diff hematology analyzer. The instruments will contribute to fight against Covid-19 and help patients to receive faster diagnosis and treatment of other diseases such as malaria or HIV.

“Together with Prime Health Pharma our local distributor in Kenya, we are a proud partner of this joint development cooperation initiative of the Hungarian and Slovenian government. Norma is committed to develop small and smart hematology analyzers that can be used in point-of-care or near-patient testing environments all over the world” – claimed Gergely Domonkos Horváth, CEO of Norma Instruments Zrt. after the donation ceremony at Kericho County Referral Hospital in Kenya.

Széchenyi 2020 NKFIA